When you kill as many mice as Tomcat,
you end up with more dead mice than you know what to do with.

Sales rose 30%, which meant more dead mice.
So we introduced Turbo Tom, the dead stunt mouse.

We also wrote him a little theme song.

Part 1 with Ross Fletcher, Nick Kaplan, and more at Barton F. Graf. Directed by Ringan Ledwidge.
Part 2 with Ross Fletcher, Nick Kaplan, Amanda Clelland, and more at Barton F. Graf. Directed by Ulf Johansson.
Awards: D&AD Wood Pencil, film: Tomcat "Leprechaun" | Gold One Show, social media: Tomcat "Dead Mouse Theatre” | Silver One Show, social media: Tomcat "Dead Mouse Theatre" | Bronze One Show, social media: Tomcat "Dead Mouse Theatre" | One Show Merit, film: Tomcat "Fitzy Gibbons" | One Show Merit, film: Tomcat "Vikings" | Bronze Andy Award, TV: Tomcat "Fitzy Gibbons" | Bronze Andy Award, TV: Tomcat "Leprechaun” | Bronze Andy Award, TV: Tomcat "Vikings" | Webby Honoree, online commercials: Tomcat "Fitzy Gibbons" | Bronze One Show, film: Tomcat "Tailpipe" 
Press: Adweek